Image Subsidy for SMEs and self-employed workers from Tres Cantos 2023

Subsidy for SMEs and self-employed workers from Tres Cantos 2023

The subsidy rules for commercial and self-employed SMEs, call 2023, have been approved with a provision of 100,000 euros.

The application period is set from September 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023, both included. The maximum subsidy amount per company is €2,000.

Expenses are subsidized for the concepts that appear in the bases, whose invoices have a date between October 1, 2022 until the date of application, and that have been paid by bank transfer or company card with a date equal to or prior to application.

Click this link to view the information

How to make your request:
1º) At the electronic headquarters of the City Council, enter the Procedures portal, through the following link:
2º) Once you enter the link, you must click on the icon indicated in the image:

News 2023:

1. New eligible concepts such as recyclable packaging and improved energy efficiency.
2. Two indefinite contracts are subsidized, regardless of the date of their signing, as long as they are prior to the subsidy application.
3. The activity headings of the beneficiaries have been expanded.
4. We help you submit your grant application by appointment. Make an appointment at: or by calling the mobile: 685 966 861